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What We Do


For over 14 years, Better Markets has had a significant impact on financial reform – from re-shaping the political discourse to strengthening many parts of the Dodd-Frank rule-making process to better serve Main Street.


Since its founding in 2010, Better Markets has had a significant impact on financial reform – from re-shaping the political discourse to strengthening many parts of the Dodd-Frank rule-making process. With our expertly staffed organization, Better Markets works rule-by-rule, agency-by-agency, with the goals of social, economic, and racial justice, reducing wealth extraction while promoting wealth creation, and ensuring that the government serves the people and not just the wealthy and well-connected. We’ve become a potent counterweight to the industry as the rules of financial reform are being drafted and challenged, filing more than 500 comment letters so that agencies finalize the strongest possible safeguards to protect the American people from another financial crash.

In recent years we have also led the charge to prevent our financial system from being further connected with a lawless crypto industry. Better Markets is a leading voice with financial regulatory agencies, the media, allied organizations and elected officials in the effort to preserve democracy by keeping betting out of elections. Our team has also led the charge against the industry attack on the proposed Volcker Rule limiting gambling by the big banks on Wall Street, meeting with regulators, testifying before Congress, advocating abroad, and ultimately protecting the rule from being killed.

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Explore our Activities

At Better Markets our goal is to create and support guardrails, gatekeepers and guard-dogs (the “three Gs”) that ensure the financial sector supports the productive economy that generates jobs and broad-based economic growth. You can filter our activities by medium or by program area.

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Help us fight for the public interest in our financial markets, protecting Main Street from Wall Street and avoiding another costly financial collapse and economic crisis, by making a donation today.

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