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July 13, 2012

Watch what Better Markets does: PBS profile called "Breaking the Banks"

PBS recently ran a profile of Better Markets entitled “Breaking the Banks.” This PBS Need to Know Special featured interviews with Michael Masters, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Better Markets, and discussions with CEO and President Dennis Kelleher in our Washington, D.C. office.

This show takes a detailed look at the real causes behind the financial crisis, the importance of financial reform, and Better Markets’ mission as an advocacy group. Rick Karr from PBS also looks closely at how the too-big-to-fail banks use their economic power to buy to political power which enables them to defund the regulatory agencies that are needed to police Wall Street.

A video link of this PBS Need to Know special is available here.

Need to Know is a PBS series that offers a variety of perspectives and commentary on contemporary issues with the motto: ‘less noise, more news.’ 




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