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March 7, 2013

Wall St. Ties in a Prospect for Deputy at the S.E.C.

“Mary Jo White, who appears set to become a top Wall Street regulator, is seeking to allay skepticism about her spins through the revolving door between government service and private practice.

Yet even as she confronts concerns about her work for JPMorgan Chase in financial crisis cases and Morgan Stanley’s board in vetting a chief executive, she is turning to a colleague who has trod a similar path.

Andrew J. Ceresney, who served as Ms. White’s lieutenant as both a defense lawyer and as a federal prosecutor in Manhattan, is a leading candidate to ultimately become her enforcement chief at the Securities and Exchange Commission, according to people briefed on the matter. A Washington outsider and relative unknown beyond legal circles, Mr. Ceresney would help set the tone for policing financial fraud, effectively making him a top cop on Wall Street.

He could join as soon as spring, potentially serving as co-chief with the agency’s acting head of enforcement, the people briefed on the matter said.”


Read full New York Times article here

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