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September 18, 2012

truthout: On the News With Thom Hartmann: Protests in the Middle East Are About a Twisted Foreign Policy

“In screwed news… a new report reveals just how damaging the financial crisis perpetrated by banksters on Wall Street was to our economy. The organization, Better Markets, calculated that our economy lost as much as $12.8 trillion as a result of the financial crisis. But beyond the numbers, there’s a human toll, too. As the report says, “There are millions of Americans and perhaps tens of millions of Americans, who will never regain their earnings, educations, skills, and trainings that they lost during and as a result of the crises.” We know this crisis was caused by rampant fraud on Wall Street, yet not a single bankster has gone to jail for their involvement in the meltdown. In fact, they got bailed out – and are doing just fine today. Meanwhile the Middle Class continues to suffer – and they can’t expect any help from multimillionaire Mitt Romney, who said in an interview today on ABC that he believes the Middle Class is defined by those making between $200,000 and $250,000 a year. No wonder he’s Wall Street’s favorite candidate.”

Read Thom Hartmann’s full article here

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