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July 25, 2016

TheStreet: If Hillary Clinton Is Elected President, Here's What Will Happen to the U.S. Economy

“Editor’s note: This story was originally published in mid-January. As Hillary Clinton prepares to accept the Democratic nomination this week at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, it’s worth taking another look at what the U.S. economy may look like under a President Clinton. When it comes to matters of Wall Street regulation, taxes, trade and boosting wages, what would Hillary Clinton do? Would she mirror her husband Bill, who embraced former Goldman Sachs executive Robert Rubin’s vision to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act, deregulate the telecom industry and sign the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted credit-default swaps from government oversight? “


“It’s no surprise that people who were hurt by the crisis want to be protected from Wall Street,” Dennis Kelleher, president of Better Markets, a non-profit organization that lobbies for strict enforcement of Dodd-Frank, said in a phone interview from Washington. “Given the hostility of the American people toward financial institutions, no one can get elected, saying they’re going to side with Wall Street.”


To read the full TheStreet article by Leon Lazaroff click here.

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