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March 20, 2013

SEC Digging Into Fund Fees

The Securities and Exchange Commission is closely scrutinizing the fees and expenses, including travel and entertainment, that hedge funds and private-equity firms charge to their investors.

Many managers of hedge funds and private-equity funds—collectively called “private investment advisers”—had long been largely unregulated and therefore had less oversight in how they billed their investors.

As part of the Dodd-Frank financial law, the SEC now oversees more than 1,500 additional such advisers that were required to register with the agency. In that capacity, the SEC is checking to ensure they are charging their investors reasonable expenses.

“Exotic” expenses like travel, entertainment and consulting arrangements are more likely to attract the agency’s attention than routine charges like legal and accounting fees, say compliance consultants who advise funds on registration and reporting requirements.”


Read full Wall Street Journal article here

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