“Regulators will soon finalize their plan to establish a new leverage ratio and it is likely to be tougher than a recently implemented global standard, top officials said Thursday.”
“Testifying before the Senate Banking Committee, Federal Reserve Board Gov. Daniel Tarullo, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Chairman Martin Gruenberg, and Comptroller of the Currency Thomas Curry emphasized their intent to press ahead with the rule, which will apply to the eight largest U.S. bank holding companies and their subsidiaries.”
“Gruenberg said regulators should ‘move forward quickly’ in completing the outstanding rule, which was first proposed in July. He was echoed by Curry, who deemed it a ‘high priority’ for the agency and something that regulators should finish ‘as quickly as possible.'”
“Officials at the banking agencies had been awaiting the results of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s work on its own global leverage standard before finalizing the U.S. rule. The Basel Committee finalized its rule last month, easing up on some of its provisions.”
Read full American Banker article here.