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September 12, 2018

Our Poll Shows Why Jamie Dimon Won’t Get Elected

JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon Needs to Read the Poll Released Today Before He Runs and Loses for President

Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Contact: Nick Jacobs, 202-618-6430 or

Washington, D.C. – Following comments today from JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon about challenging President Trump in  the 2020 presidential election, Dennis Kelleher, president and CEO of Better Markets, issued this statement:

“Before JP Morgan Chase’s CEO Jamie Dimon announces his candidacy for President, he should study the poll Better Markets released today showing that voters want more, not less, regulation of Wall Street and see Wall Street deregulation as part of the special interests corrupting Washington.

“That any Wall Street executive would even muse about throwing his hat into the Presidential ring the very week that ten years ago the nation was brought to the brink of financial ruin because of the dangerous, high-risk and socially useless activities of Wall Street’s biggest banks shows just how out of touch Wall Street is with the American people.  It is an insult to the tens of millions of Americans still suffering from the economic devastation of the 2008 crash largely caused by reckless and illegal conduct on Wall Street, which got bailed out and bonuses while the American people got the bill in the form of pink slips, foreclosure notices, wage cuts, student loan debts and so much more.

“That’s why overwhelming majorities of all voters of all partisan stripes oppose the weakening of the post-crisis financial protection rules. Those voters also see that Wall Street’s influence is part of the corruption of Washington.  That’s why the American people want candidates to talk about increased Wall Street regulation as a part of their jobs and economic agenda.

“A Jamie Dimon presidential candidacy would at least have the refreshing benefit of debating these issues in the light of day, in contrast to carefully staged, pre-screened, friendly interviews and to Wall Street’s lobbyists’ unseen and unaccountable actions in the dark corners of Washington.”


Better Markets is a non-profit, non-partisan, and independent organization founded in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis to promote the public interest in the financial markets, support the financial reform of Wall Street and make our financial system work for all Americans again. Better Markets works with allies – including many in finance – to promote pro-market, pro-business and pro-growth policies that help build a stronger, safer financial system that protects and promotes Americans’ jobs, savings, retirements and more. To learn more, visit

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