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August 19, 2013

Only the President’s Ongoing Personal Involvement Will Make Strong Financial Reform a Reality

Only the President’s Ongoing Personal Involvement Will Make Strong Financial Reform a Reality
“The President has to be personally involved in fighting back against Wall Street’s war on financial reform. His meeting today with all the financial regulators, and pushing them to complete the much needed and long overdue Main Street protections in the financial reform law, is a good start,” said Dennis Kelleher, President and CEO of Better Markets, a nonprofit organization that promotes the public interest in the financial markets. 
“The President has much more to do. He must meet with all of the regulators at least once a month until the job is done and he has to fight for substantial budget increases for the SEC and CFTC. Only that level of consistent Presidential leadership and involvement will turn the tide against Wall Street’s relentless attacks, which is what has killed, weakened and delayed so much of financial reform. Financial reform is all about protecting Main Street from Wall Street and it is essential if our economy and middle class are ever going to recover from the devastating financial crisis,” Mr. Kelleher said.
Better Markets is an independent, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that promotes the public interest in financial reform in the domestic and global capital and commodity markets. Better Markets advocates for transparency, oversight and accountability with the goal of a stronger, safer financial system that is less prone to crisis and failure thereby eliminating or minimizing the need for more taxpayer funded bailouts. To learn more, visit
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