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June 17, 2014

New Study Supports Claim Wall Street Reason Cantor Lost

The coddling of big banks is at the heart of Eric Cantor’s shocking election upset, is a claim supported by a new study on the topic.

“As if providing the campaign toolset for campaign managers not afraid to offend the control of the large banks, Better Markets Dennis Kelleher considered Dave Brat’s primary campaign message and defeated Eric Cantor and then offered statistics to back up the point of view.

Wall Street crooks are on Cantor’s Rolodex

“’The crooks up on Wall Street and some of the big banks – I’m pro-business, I’m just talking about the crooks – they didn’t go to jail, they are on Eric [Cantor]‘s Rolodex,’ Brat had repeatedly hammered on the campaign trail. Better Markets says focusing on Cantor’s loss due to immigration is misguided. Taken a few steps further, it could be viewed as assisting the banks in obfuscating their control and encouraging accountability of the financial elite.”


Read full Value Walk article here

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