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July 25, 2023

Former FDIC Deputy Director Shayna Olesiuk Joins Better Markets as Director of Banking Policy

Washington, D.C.  –  Dennis Kelleher, Co-Founder, President and CEO of Better Markets, announced today that Shayna Olesiuk, CFA, who most recently served as Deputy Director for Deposit Insurance and Risk Analysis in the Division of Insurance and Research for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), has joined Better Markets as Director of Banking Policy.

“The recent banking crisis is a stark reminder of the need for sound regulation of the banking system and Better Markets’ role as a counterweight to Wall Street on these crucial issues,” said Kelleher. “The experience and skillset that Shayna brings from decades of experience working on banking policy and regulatory issues will help Better Markets make an even greater impact. Shayna will play a key role in our work to end ‘too-big-to-fail’ and to ensure that U.S. taxpayers and the economy are not held hostage to the performance of the largest banks and other systemically important financial institutions.”

“I’m thrilled to join Better Markets as Director of Banking Policy and work on economic and financial issues that benefit all Americans. My time at the FDIC cultivated a passion for working to support stability and confidence in the banking system,” said Olesiuk. “Recent bank failures and financial market volatility demonstrate that Better Markets’ work is more important than ever. I’m looking forward to getting to work fighting for bank capital formation to support the economy, increasing investor and consumer protections, and preventing more crashes and bailouts.”

Olesiuk spent 23 years at the FDIC, serving in various roles. As Deputy Director for Deposit Insurance and Risk Analysis in the Division of Insurance and Research, she was responsible for three key functions: management of the Deposit Insurance Fund, national and regional risk analysis, and international affairs. She led teams of economists and financial analysts in Washington, DC, and seven FDIC Regional and Area offices to assess and monitor economic conditions, banking industry trends, and financial market conditions. Prior to working at the FDIC, Olesiuk worked for the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, focusing on monetary policy and international economics.

Olesiuk earned her bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business Administration from Saint Mary’s College of California, where she currently serves on the School of Economics and Business Administration Dean’s Advisory Board. She is also an alumna of the Harvard Kennedy School Senior Managers in Government program and a member of the CFA Institute and the National Association for Business Economics.


Better Markets is a non-profit, non-partisan, and independent organization founded in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis to promote the public interest in the financial markets, support the financial reform of Wall Street and make our financial system work for all Americans again. Better Markets works with allies—including many in finance—to promote pro-market, pro-business and pro-growth policies that help build a stronger, safer financial system that protects and promotes Americans’ jobs, savings, retirements and more. To learn more, visit

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