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July 2, 2013

Final Basel III Rules Have Bankers on Edge

As the Federal Reserve Board gets set to vote on a final package of Basel III capital rules at a meeting Tuesday, it remains unclear just how far regulators will go to placate community bankers outraged by the proposal offered last year.

Also unknown is if policymakers will tackle raising a proposed leverage ratio even higher — or wait until later to address that issue.

What’s certain is that the vote on a package of rules is just the start of the final stage of implementation of the agreement global regulators struck in 2010 in an effort to prevent another financial crisis.

Even once Basel III is finalized here, international regulators must still revise a global leverage ratio, currently set at 3%, while U.S. regulators must put out proposed rules on liquidity requirements and a capital surcharge for the eight U.S. systemically important banks.”


Read full American Banker article here

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