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September 5, 2023

Federal Reserve Board Nominees Are All Highly Qualified and Merit Fair Consideration in Upcoming Senate Votes

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Dennis M. Kelleher, Cofounder, President and CEO, issued the following statement in connection with the Senate’s upcoming votes on the nominees to the Federal Reserve Board: Dr. Jefferson to be Vice Chair and Drs. Cook and Kugler to be Governors. A detailed overview of the qualifications of the nominees can be found here.

“We urge the full Senate to expeditiously complete the voting process for Drs. Jefferson, Cook, and Kugler. These three professionals will provide needed expertise to effectively meet the challenges facing the Federal Reserve as well as our country’s banking system and economy in the years ahead.

“The nominees are outstanding scholars, economists, experts, and public servants and we applaud their willingness to continue to serve. Better Markets strongly supported Dr. Jefferson and Dr. Cook’s nominations and confirmations last year and we are pleased to continue to support them and Dr. Kugler. Dr. Jefferson brings a powerful combination of experience at both the Federal Reserve Board and Reserve Banks as well as experience in the private sector and academia. Dr. Cook also brings a wealth of experience from various roles within the Federal Reserve system, as well as experience gained from serving in positions of authority and leadership in the federal government and academia. Finally, Dr. Kugler has deep experience with both domestic and international issues and has served admirably in several federal government positions.

“Beyond technical and professional qualifications, the nominees bring diverse perspectives to the Board, which will be critical to successfully navigating the many looming challenges on topics ranging from inflation and bank capital rules to resolution planning and ethics. The American people will surely benefit from Drs. Jefferson, Cook, and Kugler’s diversity of upbringings, educations, experiences and views.”




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