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May 18, 2015

Elizabeth Warren’s ally on the inside

After years of criticizing regulators for lax enforcement of securities law, Elizabeth Warren finally has an outspoken ally on the inside pushing for a crackdown on Wall Street offenders.


Dennis Kelleher, president of Better Markets, a liberal-leaning advocacy group, said Warren has brought more attention to the SEC on cases that Stein has personally stuck her neck out on, bucking the majority of her fellow commissioners who give waivers to Wall Street firms that behave badly.

Warren “has a unique talent for both story-telling and shining a light on some of the most fundamental financial reform issues in our economy,” Kelleher said at the conference. “She has so astutely used that megaphone that she has attracted a disproportionate amount of attention.”


Read the full POLITICO article by Patrick Temple-West here.

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