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September 27, 2013

Duke Law School’s Kim Krawiec and the Sausage Making of Financial Reform

At the Better Markets conference last week at George Washington University – ‘Five Years On, Learning Lehman’s Lessons from the Panic of 2008: Are We Better Prepared for the Next Financial Crisis?’ – former Senator Ted Kaufman, now a visiting professor at Duke University School of Law, told the audience that “if you want to give up hope” on financial reform, just go look at a study by his colleague at Duke, Professor Kimberly Krawiec.

The study is titled — “Don’t Screw Joe the Plummer: The Sausage Making of Financial Reform.”

“It was published earlier this year in the Arizona Law Review.

In it, Krawiec looks at comment letters and meeting logs in the pre-proposal phase of the Volker Rule.

The 8,000 letters were overwhelmingly from the public — with more than 7,000 form letters or modified form letters. They were from angry citizens demanding that the government get tough with the banks.”


Read full Corporate Crime Reporter article here

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