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February 10, 2017

Dan Tarullo: A Fearless Fighter Protecting the American People

Friday, February 10, 2017
Contact: Nick Jacobs, 202-618-6430 or

Washington, D.C. – Dennis Kelleher, President and CEO of Better Markets, issued the following statement on the announced retirement of Federal Reserve Governor Daniel Tarullo:

“For eight years, Fed Governor Dan Tarullo has been a fearless fighter for protecting the American people from an unstable financial system, another financial crash and an economic catastrophe.  Using robust data, rigorous analysis and compelling arguments to rebut baseless, if not fraudulent, self-serving claims from Wall Street, Governor Tarullo has stood steadfast as a sentinel on the front lines of a six-year war to turn the Dodd Frank financial reform law into a reality.  Sensibly enacting financial reform so that it would be durably embedded in our financial system will be his legacy.  The American people will forever be in his debt.”


Better Markets is a non-profit, non-partisan, and independent organization founded in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis to promote the public interest in the financial markets, support the financial reform of Wall Street and make our financial system work for all Americans again. Better Markets works with allies – including many in finance – to promote pro-market, pro-business and pro-growth policies that help build a stronger, safer financial system that protects and promotes Americans’ jobs, savings, retirements and more. To learn more, visit

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