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April 27, 2023

Better Markets Month in Review Newsletter – April 2023

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Hi Friend,

2023 has already been a crazy busy year for Better Markets with our work on the Silicon Valley Bank crisis, extensive comment letters on market structure proposals by the SEC, and a wave of timely reports and fact sheets. Thankfully, much of our work has been recognized by others and indicates how it, made possible by our generous supporters, is helping to shape the debate in Washington and across the globe.

John Reed Stark, former Chief, SEC Office of Internet Enforcement, called our January Fact Sheet on crypto and the SEC an extraordinary must read” and “required reading for anyone involved in the crypto-ecosystem.” Robert Armstrong, an influential columnist at the Financial Times, wrote of our recent report on the Federal Reserve and risk It is useful when the case against the Fed is framed intelligently by a very reputable voice…Better Markets, did just that.”

This month it was also announced that for the third year in a row, Dennis was named to the Washingtonian’s list of most influential people in Washington, D.C.

Meanwhile, Nomi Prins, an author, financial historian, and respected thought leader on financial issues, called Better Markets work a true service to the general public. Navigating the real impact of policies…and making analysis that’s smart accessible and actionable.

I highlight just some of the recent praise to come our way because when it comes to complex financial issues it’s not enough to just be right. It also matters that we are able to cut through the noise with our work and reach thought leaders, policymakers, and the general public. The Better Markets team’s timely and thoughtful work is doing just that and helping to shape the debate on the issues that matter to Main Street.



Anton Becker
Director of Communications, Better Markets

Better Markets in the News

“Taking home tens of millions of dollars for very high-risk trading and investment incentivizes people to do the wrong thing. Everyone has known about this forever. And yet we’ve done almost nothing about it.”
– Dennis Kelleher in The Washington Post

Activities at the Regulatory Agencies


Legal Update                                                                          Hill Update


In Case You Missed It


What We’re Reading



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