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January 6, 2016

Bernie Sanders's Plan to Tame Wall Street Riles Clinton Camp

“Millions of Americans saw “The Big Short” over the holidays. The blockbuster movie, based on the book by Michael Lewis, is a primer on how the crookedness and fraud rampant in the U.S. financial system brought down the global economy in 2008.

“If you left the theatre with steam coming out of your ears, you might want to take a look at the Wall Street reform plan just fielded by presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.”


“Sanders Wants to Restore Glass-Steagall

“In addition to using existing authority under Dodd-Frank to downsize some of the largest and most dangerous institutions, Sanders wants to restore Glass-Steagall protections against risky “shadow” banking activities, citing the version of the bill authored by Sens. Warren and McCain. (The details are broken down in this fact sheet by watchdog group Better Markets.)”


Read the full Huffington Post article by Mary Bottari here. 

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