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January 22, 2021

Better Markets and Allies Oppose Attempts to Weaken Securities Laws

On Jan. 21 2021, Better Markets joined a coalition of advocates, industry groups, and law professors urging the White House to reject any attempt to weaken securities laws through a stimulus deal.

The most basic principle of modern securities markets is that investors should have access to essential information about the companies in which they invest. This allows them to make informed choices and ensures that capital flows efficiently to the firms that can make the best use of it. Unfortunately, over the past two decades, Congress and the financial regulators have repeatedly expanded ‘exemptions’ from securities regulations that allow companies to raise money from investors without making important disclosures.

The deregulators who pushed for these changes promised that they would help small firms attract the capital they need to grow. Instead, we have seen large, well-established companies take advantage of these exemptions to limit investor rights and avoid corporate accountability.

Now some in Congress have suggested that further regulatory rollbacks should be included in any upcoming economic stimulus bill. Better Markets and its allies urge the White House and Congressional leadership to reject any attempt to sneak further deregulation into a critically important effort to stimulate the economy.

Read the full letter here, or by clicking the button below.

Joint Letters

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