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September 15, 2020

Better Markets Releases "Road to Recovery" Report on Protecting Main Street from Dangerous Deregulation

 On Sept. 15, 2020, Better Markets released “Protecting Main Street from President Trump’s Dangerous Deregulation.” The report was released in conjunction with a Better Markets’ webinar during which Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) discussed the state of financial reform with Better Markets’ Co-founder, President and CEO Dennis Kelleher.

The report examines the current state of the financial rules that protect Main Street families and businesses from Wall Street’s dangerous, high-risk activities. It identifies the top priorities for each financial regulatory agency to undo the most dangerous deregulations since 2017. It also has an appendix comprehensively listing many of the deregulatory rulemakings taken by each agency during the Trump administration with links to Better Markets’ related comment letters.

During the webinar, Sen. Brown referenced the report, saying that the “role of the committee should be to implement proposals that [Better Markets] released recommending tougher rules at agencies regulating banks, consumer lending and markets.” (Source: Politico)



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