Better Markets and nearly 50 other public interest organizations have joined together to request the comment period for all pending regulatory proposals be extended by at least 90 days in light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The health and welfare of the American people are currently under unprecedented and grave threats. Their lives and work are undergoing disruptions that will likely persist for months. Better Markets and other public interest organizations who are dedicated to fighting for the welfare of the American people, along with regulators and public servants must devote their attention, creativity, and energy to overcome the effects of the Coronavirus. In order to ensure the rulemaking process remains transparent and fair, and that those who offer their views to regulators do so in an informed and thoughtful manner, federal agencies must give more time to review and comment on these rules. Read the full letter here or by clicking the button below
March 20, 2020
Better Markets and Nearly 50 Other Public Interest Groups Request an Extension of Comment Deadlines During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Joint Letters